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Perancang sebenar Menjatuhkan Islam di Malaysia |
Saya amat berterima kasih kepada rakan blog TokPakir yang mengketengahkan satu fakta yang wajar dilihat dengan teliti ke mana arah tuju Yakjud Makjuj Malaysia ini.
Melayu bakal menangis teresak-esak bila segalanya musnah kerana terpedaya dengan gelojoh nafsu sendiri. Satu-satunya tanah milik nenek moyang akan tergadai setelah dinyanyikan lagu bahagia. Angan-angan yang selama ini dijangka akan jadi kenyataan membuahkan kesengsaraan yang amat perit dan memalukan. Itulah nasib Melayu yang bodoh dan tongong. Nasib Melayu Singapura sepatutnya dijadikan iktibar sebelum segalanya rosak binasa.
Menyakitkan Mata dan Hati |
PAS dan PKR menyediakan tapak untuk DAP/PAP memerintah negara ini. Akan lengkaplah cita-cita Lee Kuan Yew untuk menawan Melayu melalui usaha bergabung semula dengan semenanjung dan menjadi Perdana Menteri Malaysia. Melayu akan dihumban ke laut kerana tiada lagi tanah nak diduduki, semuanya dikuasai oleh Cina dari Singapura. Tersengihlah pak pak lebai yang selama ini beriya-iya nak tubuhkan negara Islam setelah UMNO gagal berbuat demikian.
Terlupa dalam ghairah |
PAS kini terjilat ludah yang amat menjijikkan, apa kata PAS terhadap ungkapan kurang ajar yang dikeluarkan oleh penganut kristian di Malaysia mahu menjadikan agama Kristian sebagai agama rasmi? Sejauh mana PAS berjaya membawa penganut kristian dalam DAP menjadi Islam setelah bersetuju dengan tidak berbelah bagi menghadiahkan nama Allah kepada penganut agama ciptaan Paul tersebut? Umat Muhammad di Malaysia kini telah dianggap sebagai "musuh" oleh manusia Khalifah Pulau Pinang dan suku sakatnya. Apa kata PAS? Masih membisu? Mala petaka yang cukup besar terpaksa ditanggung oleh umat Muhammad di Malaysia dan keturunannya. Kesihan nenek moyang yang berjuang bermatian mempertahankan agama ini. Akhirnya lenyap ditelan gelojak nafsu para pejuang palsu. Bekas presiden ABIM juga harus bertanggung jawab terhadap kemelut ini.
Kalau Yakjuj dan Makjuj pun tak dapat nak tewaskan, bagaimana nak lawan Dajjal? Tolonglah lihat pekong sendiri, jangan hanya asyik menyalahkan orang lain!
Tapi, betul juga kerana Yakjuj dan Makjuj lah PAS dapat perintah Kedah, ye tak? Masih ada angan-angan nak perintah Malaysia pula? PAS dan PKR sama sekali tidak akan mempersalahkan DAP walau sebusuk mana perbuatan mereka kerana mereka hanya sentiasa mencari-cari kebusukan UMNO. Biar agama tergadai pun tak apa asal UMNO dapat dibunuh, walaupun UMNO itu saudara mara sebangsa dan seagama.
Pak Kadok Moden dalam era Globalisasi Demokrasi Sekularisma. Biar mati agama, jangan mati peluang memerintah! Lebih buruk dari UMNO yang sememangnya buruk kerana lalai dan meminggirkan agama Allah. Masih boleh diperbetulkan jika semua orang Melayu membantu, mereka juga sudah sedar kesilapan itu. Berlainan dengan masalah PAS ini.
DAP jadi tunggangan PAS atau PAS jadi tunggangan DAP? cuba teka!
Cuba teliti post di bawah dari TokPakir yang mungkin dapat memberikan keinsafan kepada yang ingin insaf. Bagi yang kepala batu tu, biarkanlah mereka terjun dengan labu-labunya.... bertanggung jawab bersubahat dengan musuh Allah (menyembah anak Allah - kononnya Allah mempunyai anak).
TokPakir wrote:
Bagi yang memahami Bahasa Yakjuj Makjuj sila baca dan telitikan maksud “Doa’ Semayang Kristian” di bawah ini yang bertaburan di internet khusus untuk Tanah Melayu, Pulau Pinang dan Malaysia.
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Bakal Pemimpin Negara Islam? |
The Intercessors at the 24/7 Prayer House in Kenya have been fasting and praying for Malaysia since the 5 January, 2010 for 40 days. There was a very, very strong burden for Malaysia and during their intercession there was much weeping and crying out for this nation.
The following is the message they received from the Lord for Malaysia:
Malaysia is at a very important crossroads. The Lord says that He has been so faithful to the nation of Malaysia. He has protected Malaysia in 3 areas:
1. The principalities over Malaysia have tried to cause racial dissension. Feelings were stirred in the hearts of the people to rise up for destruction but because of God’s grace, He has prevented this destruction from happening.
2. God has protected Malaysia from natural calamities when the surrounding regions have been hit by such disasters.
3. God has protected the church. Seeing that you are in a Muslim land, the church has a high measure of freedom thus far. Many times the enemy has tried to come up to close in on the church but God has not permitted it.
• God’s faithfulness and favor towards Malaysia is not because the Church has been praying. In fact, the Church in Malaysia has entered into a comfort zone. The Church is so contented and so comfortable and in slumber. There is prayerlessness in the church and she is not carrying the burden that God has for the “cousins” in the land. Most of the prayers that take place in the churches are personal prayers but not a burden for the nation and the lost.
Warning from the Lord:
The veil of protection over Malaysia is slowly giving way over this land.
The heavens over Malaysia have already begun to close.
The burning of the churches is but a tip of the ice-berg of what the enemy is wanting to do over this nation. There is a looming judgment waiting to take place over this land if intercessors do not arise.
Teaching on Abraham pleading for Sodom & Gomorrah by Pr Julius Suubi
Abraham prayed for Sodom & Gomorrah but his prayers could not deliver the cities. His prayers alone could not prevent the judgment of God upon the cities. Abraham was not living in Sodom & Gomorrah. The people of the land themselves need to arise to intercede for their own land. Unfortunately, there was no one in the land who took up the burden to pray for their cities and the cities were destroyed.
Application to Malaysia:
Only the prayers of the people in Malaysia can deliver their land. This burden has to be taken up by the Malaysians themselves. They have to arise to pray for their land, cry out to God, influence the people and to tell them that the nation is at an important crossroads. Tell the people that the next 5 years is so very important. They either arise to a very, very powerful revival or slide in the other way.
God’s will is for Malaysia to rise up to her destiny (being a “Rainbow Nation”) and for a great revival to sweep through this land. Our brothers from other nations are just here to help us “PUSH”. They are like “midwives” to help the Malaysian Church push until they see the baby born (the destiny of Malaysia). The Malaysian Church has to pray and intercede to open the heavens over Malaysia. To see revival, we need the heavens to be open. Prayer will open the heavens. The enemy will try to hinder our prayers but we must persevere and pray until we see the revival.
Penang is like the umbilical cord. Just as an umbilical cord supplies nourishment to the baby, Penang provides life to sow prayer and seeds for the revival in Malaysia. The baby about to be born is the revival that God has planned for the nation. The Lord is asking the Church in Penang, “Are you willing to pay the price for the revival to come?”
Penang is also like the church in Pergamum where it was mentioned that the “seat of Satan” was there in the city. Penang has attracted the enemy to this place. The Lord wants to raise up prayer warriors in this city to stand in the gap.
Teaching on Altars by Pr Julius Suubi
In times of judgment, people were to raise up altars to reverse the effects, to bring about healing for the land. There are 4 altars that need to be raised up at a time like this:
1. Personal altar: We are the temple of the Holy Spirit for the Holy Spirit indwells us. We need to activate our personal altar. We need to pray everyday. Develop your personal prayer life.
Pray at least one hour a day. Jesus asked his disciples, “Could you not tarry with me one hour?”
2. Family altar: Husband, wife, children need to gather together to pray. We need to establish the family altar. Exercise authority over your household in problem areas. When men break faith with their wives, there is no family altar and this has great impact upon the children (Malachi 2:13-16). Family prayers will affect your neighbours and neigbourhood as well.
3. Church altar: My house shall be called a House of Prayer for all nations (Isaiah 56:7). The strength of the church is not measured by how many members, how much money or how powerful the pastor is. It is measured by how strong the prayer life of the individuals in the church. Very few people at the prayer meetings, a common sight in our churches.
Prayer meeting is for everyone, not just certain groups of people.
God wants to establish the Territorial Church (territorial altar) in the city to impact the city. There needs to be a unity among the churches in the area or city. The territorial church can deal with the principality over the area and thus have great impact over the area or city.
If all cities have territorial altars then every city will begin to experience transformation.
4. National altar: People from the various territories or regions that have set up their altars will need to gather together to form the national altar. The prayers that rise from the national altar will greatly impact the nation.
Finally, let’s take heed of God’s Word concerning watchmen who are not doing the work of watchmen.
God has called us to be watchmen on the wall, to warn the people of impending judgment or danger. Let us not be like the watchmen as described in Isaiah 56:9-12. If we are like watchmen who are blind and dogs that cannot bark or shepherds who lack understanding, then the “beasts of the field…… the beast of the forest” will come and devour our land! Take heed, Church in Malaysia!!!! The Lord has spoken through his prophets (Amos 3:7).”
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Persepakatan Pemusnah Islam di Malaysia |
Sekian sedutan
Komen TokPakirKD:
“Penang is like the umbilical cord. Just as an umbilical cord supplies nourishment to the baby, Penang provides life to sow prayer and seeds for the revival in Malaysia. The baby about to be born is the revival that God has planned for the nation. The Lord is asking the Church in Penang, “Are you willing to pay the price for the revival to come?” ,
memerlukan penjelasan lebih lanjut.
Persoalannya ialah; mungkinkah Khalifah DAP dapat menolong menerjemah maksud ayat ini dan kaitannya dengan polisi pertahanan Darul Khalifah DAP.
Adakah sebarang kaitan penyebaran Kristian dengan politik dan pentadbiran Kerajaan Khalifah DAP Tanah Melayu Pulau Pinang dan Tanah Melayu ini ?. Mengapakah Kristian sekarang begitu agressif dan aktif dalam senario politik dalam melakukan tekanan ?.
Dan, adakah talipusat itu berkaitan dengan kewajiban Kristan menjaga viabilitas (kelangsungan hidup) Khalifah Anak Kit Siang mentadbir Tanah Melayu Pulau Pinang ?. Bayi apakah yang mahu dilahirkan untuk Tanah Melayu ini ?.
WalhamduliLlaahi Rabbil ‘Alamiin.
Tambahan: Dr Asri melatah seolah dia bukannya ulama Islam dan lebih kepada pembela tuntutan kaum Nasrani. Macam mana ni?
Pemimpin PAS dan juga pejuang tajdid Dr Asri wajar meneliti ayat ini yang rasanya amat jelas untuk menentukan sikap kita terhadap Yahudi dan Nasrani. Selagi kita tidak mengikut mereka, mereka tidak akan pernah puas! Maklumat penuh sila ke blog KORBAN DEMOKRASI.
Tambahan: Dr Asri melatah seolah dia bukannya ulama Islam dan lebih kepada pembela tuntutan kaum Nasrani. Macam mana ni?
Pemimpin PAS dan juga pejuang tajdid Dr Asri wajar meneliti ayat ini yang rasanya amat jelas untuk menentukan sikap kita terhadap Yahudi dan Nasrani. Selagi kita tidak mengikut mereka, mereka tidak akan pernah puas! Maklumat penuh sila ke blog KORBAN DEMOKRASI.
Firman Allah subhanahu-wa-ta’ala, maksudnya;
“Kamu sungguh-sungguh akan diuji terhadap hartamu dan dirimu. Dan [juga] kamu sungguh-sungguh akan mendengar dari orang-orang yang diberi kitab sebelum kamu dan dari orang-orang yang mempersekutukan Allah, gangguan yang banyak yang menyakitkan hati. Jika kamu bersabar dan bertakwa, maka sesungguhnya yang demikian itu termasuk urusan yang patut diutamakan. (186) Dan [ingatlah], ketika Allah mengambil janji dari orang-orang yang telah diberi kitab [yaitu]: "Hendaklah kamu menerangkan isi kitab itu kepada manusia, dan jangan kamu menyembunyikannya." Lalu mereka melemparkan janji itu ke belakang punggung mereka dan mereka menukarnya dengan harga yang sedikit. Amatlah buruk tukaran yang mereka terima. (187) Janganlah sekali-kali kamu menyangka bahwa orang-orang yang gembira dengan apa yang telah mereka kerjakan dan mereka suka supaya dipuji terhadap perbuatan yang belum mereka kerjakan janganlah kamu menyangka bahwa mereka terlepas dari siksa, dan bagi mereka siksa yang pedih. (188)Kepunyaan Allah-lah kerajaan langit dan bumi, dan Allah Maha Kuasa atas segala sesuatu. (189)”
[Surah Aali-‘Imran]
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